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2024 Young Composers' Showcase

Celebrate the future of choral music at the Young Composers' Showcase, the culmination of

ORA Singers' 2024 mentoring programme for 10 exceptional musicians from state secondary schools. Over the past four months, our Young Composers have received free, one-to-one mentoring in choral composition with professional, ORA-commissioned composers.

Our Young Composers have now completed their new works to be premiered at the

Three Choirs Festival on their largest stage in Worcester Cathedral.

Young Composers' Showcase

2nd August 2024, 2:30pm

Watch the livestream for free below

Vote for your favourite piece; the composer with the most votes will win the Audience Prize.

Voting is open during the 30-minute adjudication break.

Meet the Adjudicators

ORA Singers is thrilled to welcome critically-acclaimed composers, Prof. Paul Mealor LVO, Cecilia McDowall, and Nathan James Dearden as Adjudicators for the 2024

Young Composers' Showcase. Between them, they will decide the Winner and Runner Up.

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